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~ Committees

Architectural Review Committee
The Sonterra Architectural Review Committee (ARC) maintains the harmony and style within the 15 neighborhoods of Sonterra. The ARC reviews submissions for construction - new homes, additions to existing homes, pools, decks, patios, fences, colors, materials, playscapes, and outbuildings – as allowed by each of the neighborhood covenants. Changes to existing landscaping must also be submitted for review to the ARC.  All submissions are evaluated for architectural harmony in the area and adherence to Sonterra covenants and policies, the Stone Oak Master Plan, and City code.
The Sonterra Architectural Review Committee meets the First and Third Thursday of each month.  Submittals must be received by 12:00 noon on Tuesday before the scheduled Thursday meeting to be considered for review. 
Chairman:  Rick Rawley rrawley@satx.rr.com
  Jean Reynolds
  Delilah Rodriguez
  Jo Anne Kaplan
  Meg Grubb

Awareness Committee
Security, one of the core strengths of any great community, is the Awareness Committee's top priority. The Awareness Committee is the eyes and ears of Sonterra. With the assistance of Chief Tillman and his team of patrol officers, the Awareness Committee monitors the security and safety issues within the Sonterra community.
Chairman:  Phil Franzone franzone@me.com
  Donna Howington
  Don Whitaker
  Charles Bickle
  John Orsak

Finance Committee
Chairman:  Gary Nedwed  gnedwed@sbcglobal.net
  Don Kuykendall
  Don Whitaker
  John Orsak
Landscape Committee
Chairman of this committee works closely with the Property Manager, the contracted Landscaping Company, and a selected committee comprised of Sonterra residents.  Duties are to develop 'work plans' for the 16 gates, get board approval to budget items of change and improvement, and follow-up throughout the year, ensuring that contracted work and maintenance are adhered to.  Meetings are held once a quarter, and more frequently when necessary.
Chairman:  Donna Howington raint41963@sbcglobal.net
  Sherolyn Rawley
  Judy Perry
  John Orsak